Friday, September 7, 2018

Happy September Third Grade!!

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We made it through the first month of school!  Your student has been learning the  rules and routines in their new classroom, and by now should be familiar with their 3rd grade schedule and responsibilities. Please, continue to stress to them the importance of organization and personal responsibility, as these two traits are a couple of the hardest for new 3rd graders to learn.  Habits like keeping a neat desk, filling out their agenda, remembering to bring their homework home and back to school each day are perfect examples of personal responsibility, so ask your student about how they're doing developing those!

We are almost finished with CogAT testing!  Thank goodness!  This test is designed to measure students' learned reasoning abilities that closely relate to success in school.  Next week we will begin the ITBS test.  This test is a multiple choice test that measures student achievement compared to a national sample of students who took the same test at the same time of year.  Neither of these tests should cause stress to you or your student.  It your student does feel any stress in response to either test just reassure them and remind them to try their best.  Also, please be sure your student comes to school on time each day, so that they won't have to miss any class time making up the test.

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This 9 weeks your student will be learning:

- rounding to the nearest 10 and 100, addition and subtraction strategies, and the basics of multiplication and division.
- character traits, recounting stories, elements of prose, poetry, and drama, using context clues, capitalization, common suffixes, and nouns.
- the difference between rocks, minerals, and soils, and how to classify them.
- the basics of government and economics
- how to develop personal narratives (stories about themselves) and how to edit their writing.

As ever, we're so appreciative of the support and dedication of our parents and welcome any questions and concerns you may have.  We're just one email/text/Dojo message away, so don't hesitate to contact us!

Have a great month, 
Third Grade Team